
Water's Role and Use

Water is at the center of life. This is why nobody can live more than 3 to 5 days without any water intake. Drinking water and brain function are integrally linked. Lack of water to the brain can cause numerous symptoms including problems with focus, memory, brain fatigue and brain fog, as well as headaches, sleep issues, anger, depression, and many more.

Over 70 percent of your body is composed of water and every function in the body is dependent on water, including the activities of the brain and nervous system.

5 functions of water in our body

Cell life

Water is a carrier, distributing essential nutrients to cells, such as minerals, vitamins and glucose.

Chemical and metabolic reactions

Water removes waste products including toxins that the organs’ cells reject, and removes them through urines and faeces.

Transport of nutrients

Water participates in the biochemical break-down of what we eat.

Body temperature regulation

Water has a large heat capacity which helps limit changes in body temperature in a warm or a cold environment. Water allows the body to release heat when ambient temperature is higher than body temperature (1). The body begins to sweat, and the evaporation of water from the skin surface very efficiently cools the body.

Elimination of waste

Water is an effective lubricant around joints. It also acts as a shock absorber for eyes, brain, spinal cord and even for the foetus through amniotic fluid.

In short life without water is not possible. Did you know Organic farming retains water level and keeps the soil fertile ensuring a l